A course that will transform your life experience in Taiwan!
Do you know why most people give up on learning characters?
It's because many of the characters they learn don't seem to make any difference in their lives. This makes them think that it's useless to learn characters, all while not realizing how AMAZING life can be when you know 'useful characters'.
We all need dopamine to keep us motivated! In this course, I ensure you get that dopamine rush. You'll learn characters that you need in your daily life and immediately recognize these characters in your surroundings.
I respect your time and make sure to give you the rewards you deserve! This is not another course that let you down.
Once you get a taste of this feeling, you'll crave more, and you'll become unstoppable! The more you learn, the more your world expands.
Does any of this sound familiar?
''Ugh! I have heart attack when seeing Chinese characters''
''I feel so lost and anxious in a local restaurant or places where has no English ''
''Many important characters in our day to day life are not taught in textbooks''
''No matter how many times I wrote the character, I just forget them the next day!''
''How the heck do Taiwanese people learn these characters?!''
''I know it would be nice to know how to read characters, but they looked way to complicated and difficult!''
''I have no motivation to learn them even I know I should''
''Not knowing reading limits my life in many ways! I don't want to always reply on other people''
I found most of the program that existed to teach characters are outdated and seems very academic. It's boring and easy to get frustrated. Most of all, not practical enough for day-to-day life.
Inside my course, I will teach you characters that MATTERS in your life.
This is the only course that teaches traditional characters based on everyday life in Taiwan, covering characters you will see in 7-11, supermarkets, restaurants, Cosmed, promotions, shop signs, train stations, and more to come!
Learning these characters will maximize your experience in Taiwan.
You'll no longer feel uncertain or lack confidence when getting around by yourself. Say goodbye to being limited in options and always relying on other people's help or using unreliable translation apps.
After taking this course, you will go from not understand any Chinese characters to be able to:
-Build up confidence in reading characters.
-Build up knowledge about Chinese characters and get to know the stories behind them.
-Develop your interest in Chinese characters so you have a sustainable and healthy way to learn.
- Read a menu in Chinese without guessing around or hassling on Google translate.
-You won't miss the BEST deal in supermarket again just because you can't read!
-Place an order and fill in details on online shopping platform all by yourself! (content coming soon)
- Get to try other million delicious teas apart from the only one you know.
-Read the keyword that you are trying to avoid on the food packages.
- Be able to fill in a form in hospital or document without always looking for someone to help...in other words, become MORE independent! (content coming soon)
Enjoy having more control and independence in your life!
Do you see this isn't just about 'Okay I know more Chinese characters now' It's a TRANSFORMATION in life experience that you are working on!
What's inside the video course?
(Hard copy flashcard is optional based on different plans)
Using real materials
I will collect real photos and make videos to show you those characters that constantly appear in your life.
Work sheets
Practice basic strokes helps you to write beautiful characters and help you to remember them.
Short and fun video Tutorials
The video tutorial teaches you step by step how to write the character.
Each lesson only takes 5-8 minutes to watch, super easy to consume and it fits into your daily routine easily!
Fun stories also help you to remember the character even better!
Real life examples of the character
There is no better way to learn characters from real life scenario! Each character will have a PDF like this. Visual content is the best for learning characters!
Flash cards with creative design
Online flashcards and printed version flash cards with my design.
Games for reviewing
Who doesn't like to play games while reviewing?
Read menu
Learn keywords with real menu from Taiwanese restaurants.
No wrong dish anymore!
Learn characters with real signs and creative stories!
You will be surprised that how easy the character become your long term memory!
practice sheets
All the practice sheet with magic details to help you memorize the character.
Super useful cards for everyday life
Course Curriculum
Monthly subscription course
New content will be added constantly
- A warm welcome from me & course guidelines (4:30)
- Let Native Speakers Tell You How Did (and how long) They Learn Chinese characters? (7:48)
- My Suggestions to None-Native Speakers when learning Chinese characters (6:31)
- The Most Powerful Strategy to Learn Chinese Characters - Radicals (4:02)
- What is the structure of a Chinese character? The radical and phonetic element (2:39)
- Download PDF - 22 Basic Chinese Characters Strokes with practice sheets
- 22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 1 (7:06)
- 22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 2 (3:59)
- 22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 3 (5:54)
- 22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 4 (5:16)
- 22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 5 (3:11)
- Basic Chinese characters strokes Order Part 1 (8:42)
- Basic Chinese Character Strokes Order Part 2 (7:51)
- Common Mistakes for beginners when writing (4:42)
- Printable flashcards
- Master keywords on a menu for beginners: vegetable / meat / beef Part1-1 (13:43)
- Character: fish / lamb / fresh / pork / chicken Part1-2 (12:10)
- Character: shrimp / egg / rice / noodles Part 2-1 (16:00)
- Character: soup / seafood / stir-fry / deep fry Part 2-2 (10:33)
- How to mark on the menu? (eat in or take away/ table number/ quantity) Part 3 (5:28)
- Test time! (11:18)
- Review games
- Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 草
- Radical: 草 vegetables ; grass ; herbs ; leaf / How to write and it's story (3:43)
- 花 flower (3:07)
- 葉 leaves (2:30)
- 藥 medicine (4:24)
- 菇 mushroom (4:27)
- Characters 1-5 review games
- 蔬 (vegetables 01) (4:58)
- 菜 (vegetable 02) (7:28)
- 薯 potato ; yam (5:35)
- 芋 taro ; potato (8:21)
- 茄 tomato ; aubergine (7:28)
- Characters 6-10 review games
- 茶 tea (7:20)
- 蘋果 apple (8:28)
- 葡萄 grapes (6:40)
- 芭樂 guava ; banana 香蕉 ; plantain 芭蕉 (6:16)
- 薏 Adlay (3:54)
- Character 7-11 review games
- 薑 ginger (4:33)
- 蔥 scallion ; onion (8:25)
- 葷 meat diet (vegetarian and vegan MUST KNOW) (6:13)
- 苗 seedling ; sprout ; young tree (5:43)
- 蘿蔔 radish ; carrot (5:37)
- Character 12-16 review games
- 藍莓 Blue berry (6:41)
- 蔓越莓 cranberry (5:40)
- 菊花 chrysanthemum (4:57)
- 苦 bitter (5:26)
- Character 17-20 review games
- Character 1-20 total review games
- Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 肉
- Radical: 肉 meat related characters / How to write and it's story (8:36)
- 腿 thigh (8:37)
- 胸 chicken breast (6:04)
- 肚 belly; stomach#1 (5:50)
- 肋 ribs (5:20)
- Characters 1-5 review games
- 肥 fatty (6:17)
- 腸 intestines (5:45)
- 肝 liver (6:13)
- 胃 stomach #2 (5:21)
- Characters 6-9 review games
- Characters 1-9 total review games
- Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 食
- Radical: 食 meat related characters / How to write and it's story (5:01)
- 飲 drinks; to drink (4:52)
- 飯 rice (7:20)
- 餐 meal (6:21)
- 餅 cake; pastry that made by rice flour or flour (3:45)
- Characters 1-5 review games
- 飽 full; buffet; all you can eat (4:38)
- 餃 dumplings; potstickers (7:18)
- 餛飩 wontons (5:08)
- 餡 fillings (6:49)
- Characters 6-9 review games
- Characters 1-9 total review games
- Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 米
- Radical: 米 rice related characters / How to write and it's story (7:24)
- 粉 powder (7:40)
- 糖 sugar (6:25)
- 粥 porridge; congee (5:14)
- 麻糬 mochi (6:04)
- 糕 cake (7:40)
- 料 ingredients; sauce (9:38)
- 粒 measure word for small round stuffs such as medicine or pills (6:08)
- Characters review games
- Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 酉
- Radical 酉 alcohol; to marinate; fermented (2:08)
- 酒 alcohol (6:00)
- 醋 vinegar (3:45)
- 醬 sauce; paste (5:34)
- 酪 Semi-solidified food make from animal milk; milk pudding (5:45)
- 酸 sour (5:33)
- 醫 medical; cure; medicine (7:14)
- 醃 marinate; pickled (3:31)
- 釀 brew (4:05)
- Review games
- Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
- Radical: 火 fire - How to write it and it's story (3:52)
- 炒 stir-fry (5:52)
- 熱 hot (3:00)
- 炸 deep fry (3:46)
- 烤 BBQ; baked (3:59)
- review games character 1~5
- 炙燒 torched (4:39)
- 煙燻 smoked (5:35)
- 燙 burning hot ; blanched (5:06)
- 焗烤 Gratin; Cheese topping dishes (3:32)
- Review game character 6~8
- Total review games character 1-8
- Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
- Radical: 土 soil - How to write it and it's story (2:54)
- 地 land; ground; floor (6:31)
- 塊 chunk; piece; measure word for money (7:11)
- 坐 & 座 sit & seat (5:30)
- Review games 1~5
- 在 at (4:38)
- 場 field; open space; measure word for an activity (movie, performance) (4:09)
- 堅 firm; nuts (4:59)
- 垃圾 trash (4:32)
- Review games 6~9
- Total review games 1~9
- Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
- Radical: 魚 fish - How to write it and it's story (3:30)
- 鮮 (fresh) (5:29)
- 鮭 (salmon) (6:34)
- 鮪 (tuna) (4:54)
- review games 1-4
- 鯖(mackerel) (4:28)
- 鱈 (cod) (6:19)
- 魷 (squid) (4:42)
- 鰻 (eel) (4:59)
- review games 5-8
- total review games 1-8
- Train Station Chinese PDF & Flash card & Practice sheets
- #1 火車 -train (火fire / 車car) (4:10)
- #2 火車站 - train station (站 station) (1:59)
- #3 售票窗口 ticket counter - 售 sell (2:03)
- #4 全 - complete (1:58)
- #5 孩 - child (1:20)
- #6 老 - old; elder (4:19)
- #7 票 - ticket (0:53)
- Review games #1~7
- #8 月台 - platform (月 moon / 台 platform) (2:04)
- #9 電梯 elevator (電 electric) (1:58)
- #10 洗手間 restroom (洗 wash / 手 hand / 間 room) (4:03)
- #11 小心 be careful (小 small / 心 heart) (1:57)
- #12 上 up; get on / 下 down; get off (2:44)
- #13 禁止 prohibit (1:50)
- #14 出口 exit (出 out / 口 mouth; orifice) (2:20)
- #15 廁所 toilet /男女 male, female (4:42)
- Review games #8~15
- Total review games #1~15
Imagine how exciting is to feel less and less an outsider once you know more characters!
See how my students say
Who is this program for:
-Who wants to have more options and choices in life.
-Who feels life is limited by not being able to read Chinese characters.
-Who tried to learn characters before but it just keeps forgetting them.
-Beginner is very welcome too! This course teaches from scratch.
Who is this program NOT for:
-Who wants to learn SIMPLIFIED Chinese characters.
-Who is not willing to spend 10-15 minutes every day on practice.
-Who has no patient and not trust Cecilia's method.
Q: How long do I have access to this course?
Lifetime access
Q: Do I get certificate after finishing this course?
Yes, you can apply from me, I can offer a e-certificate for you.
Q: How many characters should I learn within a specific time frame?
I will suggest 5 characters a week and master them.
Q: Can I ask questions?
Yes, you can leave your questions in the comment section of every lesson, I will answer your questions.
Q: Is the course come with the physical flashcards? What if I don't live in Taiwan?
Yes! It come with the physical flashcards. After purchasing the course, you will need to fill in your address information, I will send the parcel to you.
It will take about 2.5 weeks for international shipping.
The postage is included.
If you are in Taiwan, you can also do 7-11 pick up option.
Q: Do you sell the flashcards separately?
Hey! It's Cecilia Chen
I am a TCSOL certified Chinese teacher form Taiwan. I started to teach Chinese 10 years ago and it has been a great journey coming along with hundreds of students all over the world.
Teaching authentic Taiwanese mandarin and traditional characters is all of passion! If you want to learn Taiwanese mandarin and traditional characters, let me hold your hand and start this journey
This is a video that filmed when I was still offering classes in the classroom. Now, with my rich experience of teaching Chinese characters, I decided to pack my knowledge and this unique system into this video courses. You will learn the exact same framework that helped my students achieve reading and writing Chinese in a short time easily at home or across the world with me!