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Learn to read 500 game changer characters in daily life! - Open doors to independence in life!
Unlock secretes about Chinese characters! Make your learning logical and easy!
A warm welcome from me & course guidelines (4:30)
Let Native Speakers Tell You How Did (and how long) They Learn Chinese characters? (7:48)
My Suggestions to None-Native Speakers when learning Chinese characters (6:31)
The Most Powerful Strategy to Learn Chinese Characters - Radicals (4:02)
What is the structure of a Chinese character? The radical and phonetic element (2:39)
Get to know 6 Types of Chinese characters - Get to know the beautiful and wisdom of Chinese characters 六書
Pictographs characters 象形字 (2:13)
Ideographics characters 指事字 (3:50)
Phono-Semantic compound 形聲字 (8:16)
Compound ideographs 會意字 (2:56)
Transformed cognates 轉注字 (2:39)
Phonetic loan characters 假借字 (7:57)
Extra bonus flashcards
Let's start writing
Download PDF - 22 Basic Chinese Characters Strokes with practice sheets
22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 1 (7:06)
22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 2 (3:59)
22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 3 (5:54)
22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 4 (5:16)
22 Basic Chinese Character Strokes Part 5 (3:11)
Basic Chinese characters strokes Order Part 1 (8:42)
Basic Chinese Character Strokes Order Part 2 (7:51)
Common Mistakes for beginners when writing (4:42)
5 Fun Fact About Chinese Characters
Five Fun Facts About Chinese Characters (4:29)
Master Key Characters on a Menu
Printable flashcards
Master keywords on a menu for beginners: vegetable / meat / beef Part1-1 (13:43)
Character: fish / lamb / fresh / pork / chicken Part1-2 (12:10)
Character: shrimp / egg / rice / noodles Part 2-1 (16:00)
Character: soup / seafood / stir-fry / deep fry Part 2-2 (10:33)
How to mark on the menu? (eat in or take away/ table number/ quantity) Part 3 (5:28)
Test time! (11:18)
Review games
Radicals related to food 草部 1-1 Vegetables & fruits
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 草
Radical: 草 vegetables ; grass ; herbs ; leaf / How to write and it's story (3:43)
花 flower (3:07)
葉 leaves (2:30)
藥 medicine (4:24)
菇 mushroom (4:27)
Characters 1-5 review games
蔬 (vegetables 01) (4:58)
菜 (vegetable 02) (7:28)
薯 potato ; yam (5:35)
芋 taro ; potato (8:21)
茄 tomato ; aubergine (7:28)
Characters 6-10 review games
茶 tea (7:20)
蘋果 apple (8:28)
葡萄 grapes (6:40)
芭樂 guava ; banana 香蕉 ; plantain 芭蕉 (6:16)
薏 Adlay (3:54)
Character 7-11 review games
薑 ginger (4:33)
蔥 scallion ; onion (8:25)
葷 meat diet (vegetarian and vegan MUST KNOW) (6:13)
苗 seedling ; sprout ; young tree (5:43)
蘿蔔 radish ; carrot (5:37)
Character 12-16 review games
藍莓 Blue berry (6:41)
蔓越莓 cranberry (5:40)
菊花 chrysanthemum (4:57)
苦 bitter (5:26)
Character 17-20 review games
Character 1-20 total review games
Yay! You are doing so well! Words from a native speaker to you :)
Words from a native speaker to you (0:19)
Radical related to food 肉部 1-2 meat
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 肉
Radical: 肉 meat related characters / How to write and it's story (8:36)
腿 thigh (8:37)
胸 chicken breast (6:04)
肚 belly; stomach#1 (5:50)
肋 ribs (5:20)
Characters 1-5 review games
肥 fatty (6:17)
腸 intestines (5:45)
肝 liver (6:13)
胃 stomach #2 (5:21)
Characters 6-9 review games
Characters 1-9 total review games
Radical related to food 1-3 食部 Food ; eat
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 食
Radical: 食 meat related characters / How to write and it's story (5:01)
飲 drinks; to drink (4:52)
飯 rice (7:20)
餐 meal (6:21)
餅 cake; pastry that made by rice flour or flour (3:45)
Characters 1-5 review games
飽 full; buffet; all you can eat (4:38)
餃 dumplings; potstickers (7:18)
餛飩 wontons (5:08)
餡 fillings (6:49)
Characters 6-9 review games
Characters 1-9 total review games
Radical related to food 1-4 米部 rice; rice products
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 米
Radical: 米 rice related characters / How to write and it's story (7:24)
粉 powder (7:40)
糖 sugar (6:25)
粥 porridge; congee (5:14)
麻糬 mochi (6:04)
糕 cake (7:40)
料 ingredients; sauce (9:38)
粒 measure word for small round stuffs such as medicine or pills (6:08)
Characters review games
Radical related to food 1-5 辛部 Spicy; chili
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 辛
Radical 辛 How to write and it's story (2:36)
辣 spicy (6:21)
Radical related to food 1-6 酉部 fermented; to marinate; alcohol food
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 酉
Radical 酉 alcohol; to marinate; fermented (2:08)
酒 alcohol (6:00)
醋 vinegar (3:45)
醬 sauce; paste (5:34)
酪 Semi-solidified food make from animal milk; milk pudding (5:45)
酸 sour (5:33)
醫 medical; cure; medicine (7:14)
醃 marinate; pickled (3:31)
釀 brew (4:05)
Review games
Radical about food 1-7 鹵部 braised food; salt; base; alkali
Print these PDF out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials of radical 鹵
Radical 鹵 - How to write and it's story (2:06)
滷 braised (6:08)
鹽 salt (6:31)
鹹 salty (4:37)
Radical 甘 - Related to sweet 1-8
Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
Radical 甘 sweet - How to write and it's story (4:28)
甜 sweet (5:33)
Review games
Radical Related Natural 2-1 火 Fire
Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
Radical: 火 fire - How to write it and it's story (3:52)
炒 stir-fry (5:52)
熱 hot (3:00)
炸 deep fry (3:46)
烤 BBQ; baked (3:59)
review games character 1~5
炙燒 torched (4:39)
煙燻 smoked (5:35)
燙 burning hot ; blanched (5:06)
焗烤 Gratin; Cheese topping dishes (3:32)
Review game character 6~8
Total review games character 1-8
Radical Related to Nature 2-2 土 Soil
Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
Radical: 土 soil - How to write it and it's story (2:54)
地 land; ground; floor (6:31)
塊 chunk; piece; measure word for money (7:11)
坐 & 座 sit & seat (5:30)
Review games 1~5
在 at (4:38)
場 field; open space; measure word for an activity (movie, performance) (4:09)
堅 firm; nuts (4:59)
垃圾 trash (4:32)
Review games 6~9
Total review games 1~9
Radical Related to nature 2-3 水 water ; liquid
Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
Radical:水 water; liquid - How to write it and it's story (3:37)
湯 soup (1:50)
汽 gas (2:17)
油 oil (3:59)
海 sea (3:13)
沙 sand (3:53)
汁 juice (1:59)
Radical Related to Animals 1-1 魚 Fish
Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
Radical: 魚 fish - How to write it and it's story (3:30)
鮮 (fresh) (5:29)
鮭 (salmon) (6:34)
鮪 (tuna) (4:54)
review games 1-4
鯖(mackerel) (4:28)
鱈 (cod) (6:19)
魷 (squid) (4:42)
鰻 (eel) (4:59)
review games 5-8
total review games 1-8
Radical Related to Animals 1-2 虫 Shelled animals
Print these PDFs out before starting-Practice sheets of extended characters + flash cards + supporting materials
Radical 虫 How to write and it's story (4:16)
蝦 (shrimp) (5:47)
蚵 (oyster) (4:18)
蛤 (clams) (8:27)
蛋 (egg) (7:03)
蜂蜜 (honey) (4:54)
review games 1~7 / total review games
Characters about pricing & discount
Characters about pricing & discount - get the BEST deals!
Train Station Chinese
Train Station Chinese PDF & Flash card & Practice sheets
#1 火車 -train (火fire / 車car) (4:10)
#2 火車站 - train station (站 station) (1:59)
#3 售票窗口 ticket counter - 售 sell (2:03)
#4 全 - complete (1:58)
#5 孩 - child (1:20)
#6 老 - old; elder (4:19)
#7 票 - ticket (0:53)
Review games #1~7
#8 月台 - platform (月 moon / 台 platform) (2:04)
#9 電梯 elevator (電 electric) (1:58)
#10 洗手間 restroom (洗 wash / 手 hand / 間 room) (4:03)
#11 小心 be careful (小 small / 心 heart) (1:57)
#12 上 up; get on / 下 down; get off (2:44)
#13 禁止 prohibit (1:50)
#14 出口 exit (出 out / 口 mouth; orifice) (2:20)
#15 廁所 toilet /男女 male, female (4:42)
Review games #8~15
Total review games #1~15
Review games #1~7
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