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Easy Peasy Taiwanese Mandarin
Yes! You are in! Welcome on board 歡迎你!
Yay! You are in! Welcome and an overview of this course (3:13)
How Taiwanese people think of foreigners who can speak Chinese? (3:01)
Phase 1 - Week 1 - What is Pinyin, Zhuyin & Tones?
Two Spelling Systems: Pinyin & Zhuyin - Which one to choose? (7:45)
Chinese tones introduction (9:59)
Let's practice tones together! (5:07)
Tips for remembering Chinese Tones (3:12)
Week 1 - Zhuyin / Bopomofo System #1
PDFs of Zhuyin + practice sheets
1~5 ㄅ/ㄆ/ㄇ/ ㄈ/ ㄉ (consonant) (4:47)
6~10 ㄊ/ㄋ/ㄌ/ ㄍ/ ㄎ (consonant) (3:37)
11~15 ㄏ/ㄐ/ㄑ/ㄒ/ㄓ (consonant) (6:10)
16~20 ㄔ/ㄕ/ㄖ/ㄗ/ㄘ (consonant) (6:48)
21~25 ㄙ/一/ㄨ/ㄩ/ㄚ (consonant & vowel) (3:16)
26~30 ㄛ/ㄜ/ㄝ/ㄞ/ㄟ (vowel) (2:43)
31~35 ㄠ/ㄡ/ㄢ/ ㄣ/ㄤ (vowel) (3:32)
36~37 ㄥ/ ㄦ (vowel) (2:50)
Week 2 Zhuyin / Bopomofo System #2
How do I mark tone marks in Zhuyin system? (2:56)
Compound vowels & Zhuyin spelling practice PDFs (Print out to practice)
Compound Vowels (5:54)
What you need to know about Zhuyin Part1 & Part2 (20:01)
Zhuyin spelling practice #01 (8:00)
Zhuyin spelling practice #02 (6:46)
Spelling practice #03 (5:09)
Spelling practice #04 (5:38)
Quick explanation about the PDFs (1:02)
Week 2 Zhuyin Tone combination Training #3
PDF Tone Combination Trainings
First Tone Tone Combination Training (14:27)
Second Tone Tone Combination Training (15:12)
Third Tone Tone Combination Training (16:40)
Fourth Tone Tone Combination Training (10:32)
Common Tone Mistakes People Made (5:42)
How did I learn tone as a native speaker & the key to pronounce Chinese well (5:01)
Week 1 - Pinyin System #1
Small talk before starting (2:03)
PDFs of Pinyin
1~5 b/p/m/f/d (consonant) (4:37)
6~10 t/n/l/g/k (consonant) (3:37)
11~15 h/j(i)/q(i)/x(i)/zh(i) (consonant) (6:00)
16~20 ch(i)/sh(i)/r(i)/z(i)/c(i) (consonant) (6:45)
21~25 s(i)/y(i)/w(u)/y(u)/a (consonant + vowel) (3:11)
26~30 o/e/ê/ai/ei (vowel) (2:39)
31~35 ao/ou/an/en/ang (vowel) (3:39)
36~37 eng/er (vowel) (2:38)
Week 2 - Pinyin System #2
Pinyin compound vowels #1 (9:59)
Pinyin compound Vowels #2 (4:06)
Week 2 - Pinyin System Tone Combination Training
Pinyin System tones combination trainings (PDFs)
First Tone Tone Combination Training (14:30)
Second Tone Tone Combination Training (15:12)
Third Tone Tone Combination Training (16:40)
Fourth Tone Tone Combination Training (10:33)
Common Tone Mistakes People Made (5:42)
How did I learn tone as a native speaker & the key to pronounce Chinese well (5:01)
How Do you Mark Tone Marks in Pinyin? (2:37)
Phase 2 - Week 3 Building up grammar structures
L1 Greetings in Chinese (7:52)
L2 14 Survival Chinese Phrases to Make Your Life Easier (9:38)
L3 Pronouns in Chinese and the verb '' to be'' , Affirmative/Negation/Question sentence (7:14)
Week 4
L4 The verb ''to be'' #2 很, How to use adjectives in a sentence (5:26)
L5 Supplement lesson: Why sometimes I hear people say: 好 (hǎo) instead of 很 (hěn) (5:26)
L6 Adverbs of degrees in Chinese (How to say: it's a little bit.../it's very...) (16:48)
L7 Greetings: How are you today? And Answer- (13:54)
Week 5
L8 Survival Sentences that You MUST KNOW! How to say: I don't understand Chinese? Can you speak slower? Can you repeat again? (6:19)
L9 Self Introduction and Common Questions that Taiwanese like to ask a foreigner (13:30)
L9-2 Common Questions that Taiwanese like to ask a foreigner (Advanced) (8:05)
L10 How to ask ''What is this'' in Chinese & Get to Know Famous Taiwanese Food (10:07)
Week 6
L11 How to say: How do I say this in Chinese? Gaining ability to learn vocabulary (10:31)
L12 Possessive pronoun (Outdoor class in a temple) (7:28)
L13 How can I express opinions and emotions in Chinese?覺得 (9:31)
NEW L14 How to say 'He told me...' in Chinese? Preposition 跟 (3:34)
Week 7
L15 How to express preferences in Chinese? like & don't like 喜歡 & 不喜歡 (9:15)
L16 My friends are all Taiwanese - The adverb 都 & How to say: all of ... (7:20)
L17 How to say ''want'' and ''don't want'' 想要 (14:33)
L18 Ordering coffees with 要- The ONLY time 要 yào / 一ㄠˋ= want (6:30)
L18-2 Ordering food in a local food shop (5:43)
L19 How to say '' have'' and ''don't have'' 有 & 沒有 (8:19)
L20 Why Taiwanese People Ask Me: Have you eaten yet? All the time? Hokkien words (4:46)
Week 8
L21 How to say yes & no in Chinese? (8:31)
L22 Level up your Chinese immediately using this structure! Separable verbs (9:26)
L23 How to Say and Use ''at'' in Chinese 在 Part 1-Location (7:47)
L24 Location and Purpose with 在 Part 2 - Purpose (15:32)
L25 New 2024 How to say : other, others and the other? (5:07)
L26 NEW 2024 Positional Description (13:28)
Week 9
L27 How to count numbers in Chinese & gestures (14:24)
L28 Fun Facts about numbers in Chinese (5:26)
L29 How to count things in Chinese? Measure Words in Chinese 量詞 (11:55)
L30 Why are there two ways to express the number two in Chinese? (10:32)
L31 2024 NEW How to give description to a noun? Description+的+noun (9:47)
Week 10
L32 Time Words in Chinese (Monday to Sunday / Week) (5:42)
L33 Time words - Today, tomorrow, yesterday, morning, noon, afternoon, night, midnight (2:56)
L34 Time Words - Months and Year (2:53)
L35 Time words - Now, just a moment ago, later + Taiwanese Hokkien: Thank you (2:41)
L36 How to tell time in Chinese? (6:28)
Week 11
L37 How to say: There is & There are - to express the existence with ''有'' (5:27)
L38 Learn Word Order in Chinese to compose a complete sentence confidently! (13:59)
L39 The Telescope Method - Never forget the word order in Chinese again! (7:52)
L40 Asking the 5 basic questions in Chinese (Who? When? How? Where? What?) (10:29)
Week 12
L41 How to say '''' in Chinese?從A到B-Taiwanese weeding vlog (6:46)
L42 Get to know negators in Chinese- the difference between 不 & 沒 (7:38)
L43 Expressing future event with 要 (10:17)
L44 NEW Other way to ask question - A不A? A不AB? (8:28)
L45 How to say ''when'' and ''during in Chinese ~的時候 (8:19)
Week 13
L46 BIG TIP: How to answer questions in Chinese FAST? (7:31)
L47 Talking about your day off in Chinese (12:10)
L48 Talking about Hobbies and Frequency 你的興趣是什麼? (12:51)
L49 I am eating - How to say ''be + Ving ''in Chinese? 在+verb (6:43)
Week 14
L50 Have you eaten yet? Express action completed in Chinese Verb+了 (6:20)
L51 When Exactly to Use 了? Is 了 = past tense? (6:41)
L52 How to express time sequence in Chinese: Do A first and then do B 先...再...(Same subjects)) (8:06)
L53 How to express time sequence in Chinese, Do A first and then do B (Different subjects) (8:52)
Week 15
L54 Past Participle in Chinese with V+過 (To express you have certain experience in the past)) (13:07)
L55 Let's go visit the temple - Dos and don'ts in the temple (11:41)
L56 How to say: ''already'' and ''not yet'' in Chinese? 已經 & 還沒 (5:59)
L57 Comparative sentence in Chinese 比 Part 1 (8:46)
L58 Comparative sentence in Chinese 比較 Part 2 (7:11)
Week 16
L59 Level up your Chinese immediately! Describe quality of an action 得 (8:13)
L60 How to say: ''can & cannot'' in Chinese? 會 (6:43)
L61 How to say ''can'' in Chinese? 可以 - Part 2- Asking permission in Chinese? (8:37)
L62 How to say ''probably'' and ''maybe'' 可能&應該 (7:13)
Week 17
L63 that...因為...所以 (4:39)
L64-1 How to say ''if'' in Chinese? 如果...就... (6:30)
L64 -2 More local way to say ''if'' & more practices with it (19:35)
L65 How to say ''will'' & ''will not" in Chinese? 會 (8:49)
L66 How to say ''tell'' in Chinese? 說 VS 告訴 (6:40)
Week 18
L67 How to say: Although...but...雖然...但是... (10:14)
L68 How to say before & after in Chinese? (8:22)
L69 How to say ''see'' in Chinese? 看 VS 看到 (12:03)
Week 19
L70 Talking about time duration of an action Part1 & Part2 (14:03)
L71 Talking about time duration of an action - Past time Part1 & Part2 (11:38)
L72 Talking about time duration of an action - Present Perfect Part1 & Part2 (10:30)
Week 20
L73 All the magic words to make your Chinese sounds like a pro & natural! PDF audio lesson
Phase 3 - Week 21- Life scenarios conversations
L74 Making friends in Chinese (9:23)
L75 How can one address people politely in Chinese? (Without accidentally offending them) (5:39)
L76 8 ideas to start small talk in Chinese (3:35)
Week 22
L77 How to order your bubble tea? Let's go to a tea shop and order it! (6:40)
L78 Ordering food in restaurant and pay (10:44)
Week 23
L79 Useful phrases in the supermarket & how discount word works in Chinese (4:00)
L80 Taking taxi in Chinese (6:14)
Week 24
L81 Seeing a doctor in Chinese (8:24)
L82 Let's go to the clinic - Real conversations in a clinic (10:25)
Weel 25
L83 Asking Directions in Chinese 用中文問路 (15:27)
Yay! Congratulations for finishing this course! You rocked it!! (1:22)
Bonus lessons - Thirty-six Most Useful Verbs You Must Know In Your Daily life
Verb 1~5 (Listen or heard/Speak/Read or Watch/Write/Ask) (7:16)
Verb 6~10 (Learn or Study /Eat/Drink/Smell/Open or Turn on) (6:57)
Verb 11~15 (Turn on and off/Ride/Jump/Seat/Stand) (6:04)
Verb 16~20 (Lie down/Wear/Take off/Hold)) (3:46)
Verb 21~25 (Take/Put or Place/Pick up/Carry/Bring) (2:19)
Verb 26~30 (Throw/Wash/Cut/Cook/Send) (3:13)
Verb 31~36 (Use/Play or travel in somewhere/Walk/Run/Buy/Sale) (4:29)
Bonus lesson#2 - Daily life Chinese-Keywords on menu
Keywords on menu (With online flash card to practice) (14:47)
L64 -2 More local way to say ''if'' & more practices with it
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